Just updated: Please find on this page - DAISY and ePub English, French and Spanish accesible versions (please ensure that you have downloaded the proper accessibility software and tools prior to reading these accessible e-publications to experience all of the specialized features and functionality). 

One of the central aspects of the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is the significant role that stakeholders have been assigned in their implementation, follow-up and review. Six years into the implementation of the 2030 Agenda, several countries’ strategies to engage stakeholders are still in the early stages. Many stakeholder engagement practices are strong in some ways but weak in others, with little guidance available for a systematic analysis. The COVID-19 pandemic has added to the challenges of engaging stakeholders in implementation efforts. Now, it is more important than ever to ensure that there is dialogue to guide government action and maintain social cohesion. Against this backdrop, UN DESA and UNDP have developed an analytical framework to enable governments, stakeholders, and development partners alike to examine and strengthen the quality of their stakeholder engagement practices at different stages of the 2030 Agenda cycle, including considering the impact of COVID-19. This framework is a helpful tool to help improve stakeholder engagement practices, foster dialogue, and support the sharing of lessons learned and good practices.


To read more about the Framework, please access the language versions below.





The analytical framework has been successfully applied in several countries. Please click the link below to find some application examples

Application examples