"This Handbook was developed under the auspices of the Praia Group on Governance Statistics, which was established in 2015 by the UN Statistical Commission and mandated to develop “a handbook on governance statistics for national statistical offices”. It is a collaborative effort of national statistical offices, international organizations and civil society organizations. The purpose of this Handbook is to provide a foundation for the development of international statistical guidance and standards in all areas of governance statistics. To this end, it conceptualizes and systematizes the various dimensions of governance statistics, takes stock of and qualifies existing practices in governance data collection, highlights the most important metrics in each dimension of governance statistics, and discusses the way forward required to achieve international statistical standards in each dimension. It is intended as a guide for those wishing to understand, produce and analyse governance statistics, and is primarily targeted towards national statistical agencies. Whilst this Handbook aims to contribute to the development of international standards on governance statistics, its purpose is not to promulgate such standards. Likewise, the key indicators recommended in this Handbook do not constitute or imply a reporting obligation for national statistical systems."

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