Regional Training to measure SDG 16 in Latin America and the Caribbean

Regional Training to measure SDG 16 in Latin America and the Caribbean

The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) are organizing a series of training webinars focused on measuring progress on SDG 16 indicators in Latin America and the Caribbean. The main objectives of this training are:

  • Strengthen the technical capacities of authorities and coordination between data producers and users to generate, analyze and disseminate SDG 16 indicators;
  • Strengthen the organizational framework and promote a "data community" among data producers and users for the exchange of experiences and challenges.

The regional training will take place over seven consecutive weeks, from April 22nd to June 3rd 2021, every Thursday. Participants attending the seven webinars will receive a training certificate from the organizing agencies.

Target audience

All data-producing institutions in the field of crime, justice, and human rights or non-discrimination and equality in Latin American and Caribbean Member States are invited to participate. This includes representatives of National Statistical Offices, Police, Prosecutor's Office, Courts, Prisons, Ministries of Interior and Justice, National Human Rights Institutions, as well as other relevant entities.

These training webinars will familiarize stakeholders with concepts, international standards, and methodological tools, as well as an understanding of the challenges required to measure SDG indicators related to violence prevention, strengthening criminal justice systems, prisons, access to justice, combating organized crime, illicit trafficking, corruption, preventing conflict-related deaths, protecting fundamental freedoms, strengthening national institutions, promoting and enforcing non-discriminatory laws and policies.


Webinar 1 - Measuring SDG16: Opening Regional Meeting and Cross-Cutting Tools

This webinar presents cross-cutting methodological tools to measure SDG indicators in the field of violence, crime, access to justice, corruption, governance, trafficking, prevention of conflict-related deaths, protection of fundamental freedoms, the strengthening of national institutions, the promotion and enforcement of discriminatory laws and policies.

Webinar 2 - Homicide and other forms of violence

This webinar focuses on how to produce the indicators for SDG 16.1.1 on intentional homicide, 16.1.3 on victims of violence, and 16.1.4 on the perception of safety. Both the production of national administrative records and victimization surveys are discussed. As guest countries, Peru will present the challenges of measuring homicide, and Colombia, the new findings of the victimization survey.

Webinar 3 - Illicit trafficking and organized crime

This webinar focuses on how to measure indicators SDG 16.2.2 on victims of trafficking, 16.4.1 on illicit financial flows and 16.4.2 on firearms trafficking. As invited countries, Panama will present the challenges in measuring human trafficking, Ecuador will share with us the policy implications of measuring illicit financial flows, and Argentina will share its experience in measuring arms trafficking. We will also have as a guest, the UNODC Global Firearms Program.

Webinar 4 - Corruption and satisfaction with public services

This webinar will focus on how to measure SDG 16.5.1 and 16.5.2 indicators on bribery where the methodology for conducting corruption surveys will be discussed. The SDG 16.6.2 indicator on satisfaction with public services and its tools to measure it will also be addressed. As guests, Mexico will tell us about its household and business surveys on corruption, UNODC about corruption and gender, and Uruguay about its Survey on Satisfaction on Public Services.

Webinar 5 - Access to civil and criminal justice, and strengthening the criminal justice system, including prisons

The webinar focuses on indicators 16.3.1 on Access to Justice (Violence Reporting), 16.3.3 on Access to Dispute Resolution Mechanisms, and 16.3.2 on Unsentenceed detainees. Mexico presented the Crime Victimization Survey and the dark figure of crime, Jamaica presents the Use of data from the Crime Victimization Survey for public policies, and Argentina presents several tools to measure access to dispute resolution. mechanisms.

Webinar 6 - Responsive, inclusive, participatory, and representative institutions

This webinar focuses on indicators 16.7.1b on representative and participatory decision making in the Public Service, 16.7.1c on representative and participatory decision making in Judiciary, and 16.7.2 on external political efficacy. The Dominican Republic presents their experience in measuring inclusion, Brazil presents the Judicial Census and tools on representation and participation in the Judiciary, and El Salvador presents their experience in piloting the SDG 16 Survey and in measuring responsive and inclusive decision making.

Webinar 7 - Human rights, strengthening national institutions, leaving no one behind, and eliminating discrimination

This webinar will discuss the production of SDG indicators 16.1.2, 16.10.1, 16.10.2, 16.a.1 y 10.3.1/16.b.1. Participants will become familiar with the methodology to measure deaths related to conflicts, attacks against journalists and human rights defenders, public access to information, human rights institutions, and discrimination. As invited countries, we will have Ecuador, Peru, Mexico, and Colombia. Finally, we will close this training series with remarks from the 3 UN organizing agencies.