"This research aims to contribute to SDG16 efforts by bringing together data and evidence across five domains: conflict; mass atrocities and human rights abuses; violent extremism (VE); urban violence and organized crime; and interpersonal violence (IP), focused specifically on Violence Against Women (VAW) and Violence Against Children (VAC). Based on a vast review of the literature and on interviews with several experts from the different fields, the analysis identifies convergences and divergences across them that could help inform integrated prevention implementation in order to scale up impact, and packages knowledge together with complementary research on effective global strategies that could inspire a movement focused on violence prevention.

This report draws heavily on two recent global reviews produced through cross-disciplinary collaborations of experts. The 2018 Pathways for Peace report – a joint effort of the United Nations and World Bank convening dozens of donor agencies, think tanks and academic institutions – informed the chapters on conflict, mass atrocities, and violent extremism. The sections on interpersonal violence and urban violence have been informed by the World Health Organization’s INSPIRE initiative, convening 10 agencies with decades of experience in violence prevention, and producing a technical package and guidebook aligned along seven key strategies for preventing VAC."

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