Trust across borders for our digital future

SDG 16 Hub
SDG 16 Hub

"This workshop invites you to stop and think about what we, as citizens of the nations of the world, can learn from the COVID-19 crisis and how we want to go forward with respect to our digital future. Together, we will elaborate a message to governments on what we want to keep, leave behind, or do differently.

The ongoing pandemic has shown that connecting, learning and working virtually is a vital alternative to practices based on physical presence. As we work towards a new normal –  or rather adapt to ongoing flux, it seems that the pace at which virtual worlds are becoming essential parts of our lives has now massively accelerated.

In governing the digital sphere, governments are adopting strategies that are closely tied to national ambitions over security, economics, and sovereignty. Thus, policies about data and digital sovereignty are highly influenced by geopolitics and geoeconomics, leading rather to more fragmentation, than to a common path with respect to data governance. But what are citizens’ views on how digital governance, and especially data governance, is developing?

This workshop aims to give a voice to those – not usually involved in conversations with the government around this topic, and  the opportunity to address a call to action to governments, via the OECD. The discussion will revolve around the three high level questions of the #GovAfterShock event:

  • What do we need to leave behind?
  • What do we want to keep?
  • What should we do differently?

The workshop is jointly organized by the Institute for Public Sector Transformation from the Bern University of Applied Sciences (Switzerland) and the innovation agency Flux Compass (Hong Kong). We are pleased to welcome two speakers: Dr Severine Arsene, Adjunct Assistant Professor, The Chinese University of Hong Kong and Associate Researcher, Médialab, Sciences Po, and Dr Anna Jobin, an associate researcher at the STS Lab of the University auf Lausanne, and an inaugural member of the Swiss Young Academy.


Request to reserve a spot on the event website – this event is aimed at individuals from Switzerland and Hong Kong, including young people, students, professionals and academics, who are not usually privy to policy-making discussions and want to contribute their perspectives and ideas on how to create or co-create trust across borders for our digital future, and make their voices heard by governments."

N.B.: The enrolment for this event must be done through its official website. Enrolling through the SDG 16 Hub does not guarantee your participation in the event.